
 「 Thor 2 」 Set Interview:Tom Hiddleston Laughs About Loki


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中文翻譯:抖森翻譯軍團( 感謝神大軍 ♥ )

這邊湯湯算是跟人家一問一答中,訪談內容透露了很多 LOKI 的部分,像是 LOKI 底迪的內心,還有被哥哥拎回家之後的遭遇等等 …。然後再度提到神兄弟的關係,但湯湯很害怕不敢亂說( 笑 )XDD


It’s consistently ambivalent in a way that’s true to the comics and really fun for myself and Chris Hemsworth to play because what’s really exciting is that in Avengers Thor still really cared about Loki. And part of the reason he was there was almost to protect him. He was just like to try and find the good in him and take him home.

And we’ve been very careful not to repeat that moment. Thor’s attitude has to change. Therefore Loki’s attitude has to change. And their relationship to each other – their need for each other – their antipathy, opposition to and from is constantly changing. That’s what makes it fun to play - These archetypal forces of dark and light. And actually those like I said those – the lightness and the darkness is flickering between the two.

湯湯說在「 復聯 」裡,真正動人的是,THOR 依然在乎 LOKI,而他來到此的目的之一也是為了保護自己的弟弟,試著發掘出他仍然善良的一面,並帶他回家。

我看到這一段不知怎麼被虐了好大一下 … Q ________________ Q


我自己本身有一個妹妹和弟弟,身為家中老大的我其實很能體會 THOR 的心情 … 我跟我妹感情很好,但有時候也會因為她的想法、她的固執而無法理解她,對她很生氣,那時往往會說出重話,甚至還想過我有這個妹妹根本累人 … 但是那些始終是氣話,氣過了,冷靜了,又開始心疼這個傻瓜妹妹 … 會想幫她做些什麼,花點時間陪她,聽她說說話,看她開心我也開心。有些東西是怎麼樣也斬不斷、放不下的。所以每每看到弟控索爾,我就能感同身受 …

所以我其實是妹控?(艸 )

另外還有提到 LOKI 的頭髮,記者問湯湯 LOKI 的造型在二裡有沒有什麼變化?

Yeah. It’s, well, you know, it’s certainly longer. Some time has passed I don’t think he’s been sent to the finest barbers in Asgard.

結果湯湯就是很開心的說:嗯,你知道的,頭髮更長了喔 ~ 畢竟他有好一陣子無法去找 Asgard 最頂級的理容師!XD

湯湯你真的很可愛(艸 )


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