【 Branagh hints at shakespeare with hiddleston 】
翻譯:Nana / 修飾:月堯
With an ability to quote Shakespeare like most men can quote Anchorman, Kenneth Branagh is an unmistakable authority on the Bard. More importantly, of course, he’s brought us some of the most memorable adaptations of his work to-date.
可以隨時引述莎士比亞劇作像一般人背誦周星馳電影對白一樣( 原文是美國肥皂劇螢幕大角頭 Anchorman,但 Nana 覺得翻譯為周星馳電影我們會更容易明白 )的 Kenneth Branagh,他對莎士比亞這位詩人的認知極具權威性!當然更重要的是,他為我們帶來了不少讓人印象深刻的新版莎翁劇作。
And when we recently caught up with the man himself for a chat, Branagh hinted that there might yet be another to add to that esteemed list, revealing that he'd love to direct Tom Hiddleston in an adaptation of Much Ado About Nothing.
在我們最近一次與 Kenneth Branagh 的訪問中,他暗示著可能為自己輝煌的作品集再添光彩。他透露很希望可以再與 Tom Hiddleston 合作,參與他執導的莎劇「 無事生非( Much Ado About Nothing )」。
Having already directed Hiddleston in 2011’s Thor, Branagh is keen on a reunion with the star who's currently earning glowing West End reviews in Coriolanus, seeing him as the perfect fit for the character of Benedick:
曾經執導了 Tom 參與演出 2011 年的雷神電影,Kenneth Branagh 熱切期待跟這位最近在城西演出「 Coriolanus 」而大獲好評的 Tom Hiddleston 再續片緣,他認為 Tom 是最適合飾演男主角 Benedick 的人選。
"It would be great to do. Tom is a fantastic comedian, great in Shakespeare anyway. I remember us having a conversation about it, where I said, from my point of view, Benedick was the most fun character to play and experience - and I know he’d be marvellous in it, so we must try and do that."
「 這將會是一個很棒的作品。Tom 是一個絕佳的喜劇演員,飾演莎劇也非常出色!我記得我們曾經討論過,當時我說,我認為 Benedick 是( 莎劇中 )最有趣的角色。我知道 Tom 絕對會有令人驚訝的演出,所以我們一定要嘗試再次合作。 」
Whether it be for the stage or screen remains to be seen, although whatever happens it's clearly not going to be much ado about nothing.
雖然暫時還不曉得這將會是一部電影還是舞台劇,但可以肯定的是這絕對不會是一件「 無事生非 」的作品。
肯導!拜託請說到做到!讓湯湯參與演出喔喔喔!!!!♥ (✪ω✪)
- Jan 25 Sat 2014 22:05
【 Tom Hiddleston 】肯導暗示著與湯湯以莎士比亞再續前緣!