via:timeout © Johan Persson
via:timeout © Johan Persson
這麼帥又萌的 Martius 將軍要去哪裡找啊啊啊?!!( 已死 )
昨天剛看完劇照整個太激動,所以沒有更新什麼內容,只有癡漢的吶喊這樣(艸 )
今天一整天我在公司根本各種煎熬 … 一直利用存檔時間刷新訊息,但看到新訊息又不能更新好痛苦!XDDDD 今天 DonmarWarehouse 放出了更多劇照,以及各大媒體的「 Coriolanus 」評論紛紛出爐,大部分是正面評價,不過有褒就有貶,這個之後我們再來看看。
來說一下上面那幾張圖,我敢肯定是 Martius 被羅馬流放跑去投靠 Aufidius 要他一起復仇的那段。因為我目前正緩慢進行翻譯的 Repo 就有提到這段劇情,下面貼一小部分,翻譯一定有誤( 欸 ),請參考就好!( 而且我還沒翻完 …(艸 )
來源截取:ravenstaggames( 有放在 Coriolanus 集中樓 )
The kiss happened when Coriolanus went to Aufidius’s house. Coriolanus was in tears and on his knees, arms spread out, head tilted back as he offers his throat to Aufidius. Aufidius then acts as though he means to kill Coriolanus, he kicks his legs apart, grabs him roughly as holds the knife and he says softly “O, Marcius, Marcius” and he deflates, and comes to the front of Coriolanus, sinks to the ground and I think it was then that he kisses him. It was a great moment seeing these two characters that use very violent and erotic language use their lips in a more intimate way. It wasn’t a ‘sexy’ kiss, but it was a very passionate one, fuelled by admiration and respect they have for each other as worthy opponents.
那個吻發生在 Coriolanus 前去 Aufidius 陣營的時候。 Coriolanus 眼中噙淚跪著,張開他的雙臂,頭微微後傾向 Aufidius 奉上了他的喉頸。Aufidius 就好像要成全他的意思一樣,他邁開步伐,拿著刀粗魯的架著他,輕聲的說:「 噢,Marcius,Marcius 」並嘆了口氣,他來到 Coriolanus 面前,曲身跪地,我想他就是在這個時候吻了他。那是一個美好的時刻,看到兩個角色說著強烈、情詩般的話語,以彼此的唇瓣進入一種更親密的關係。它並非是性感誘人的一吻,但它絕對是充滿激情的,催化於欽佩和崇敬,他們是旗鼓相當的對手。
想看這一段很基( 喂 )的原作翻譯台詞,可以參照之前更新的這一篇:
20131206 舞台劇「 Coriolanus 」:湯湯和宿敵 Tullus Aufidius 居然有男男 Kiss 戲!
湯 Martius 將軍穿這樣真的無敵帥!!!(ಥДಥ)
這淋浴圖我一看到只覺得 Martius 將軍在大喊:
「 靠杯 水霹靂冷!!!!!!!!! 」( 被拖出去打 )
via:timeout © Johan Persson
殺氣騰騰!Q 艸 Q
via:timeout © Johan Persson
劇照高清收藏請往【 這邊 】♥
不過這戰甲好像昆蟲的殼 …( 再度被扁 )
♣ Coriolanus (Donmar Warehouse) / Whatsonstage
♣ The Donmar’s Coriolanus has a hectic, brutal energy but there’s brain as well as brawn / Metro
♣ London Theater Review: ‘Coriolanus’ Starring Tom Hiddleston / Variety / 中譯:早春三月
♣ Coriolanus, theatre review: 'Tom Hiddleston has blazing stellar power' / Independent
♣ Tom Hiddleston's Coriolanus impresses critics / BBC / 中譯:Candy梦游记
♣ Coriolanus, Donmar Warehouse - theatre review / Standard
♣ CORIOLANUS – Donmar, WC2 / theatreCat
♣ Coriolanus – The fallen hero / Edge and back
♣ Coriolanus, Warehouse, WC2 / The times( 這篇沒有顯示全文,或許要註冊登入才能看完整的文章? )
♣ Coriolanus, Donmar Warehouse, review / The Telegraph / 中譯:Candy梦游记
♣ Coriolanus – review / Theguardian
♣ ELLE reviews Coriolanus / ELLE
♣ Oh do put it away, dearie! Tom Hiddleston strips to his muscular torso on stage in Coriolanus / Daily mail
最後那篇評 Aufidus 就是一個想撲倒(?)Martius 的 Gay 也太好笑!XDDD
如果有找到翻譯會更新附上,沒有的 … 我只好自己慢慢來和去騷擾小天使了!XDDD