當初看到這一篇就非常想記錄下來,我覺得對於看過「 雷神索爾2 」的人來說,有一些內幕還是先知道比較有趣,那代表我們的想法可以有更多發展空間!
不過礙於我的英文能力弱慘,所以一直擱著遲遲沒動!但是 Nana 非非常常貼心的說她可以幫忙翻譯,讓我感動的都要哭了!!(ಥДಥ)
所以我們立刻就來看看「 雷神索爾2 」的裡設定吧!!:)
來源:What Happens to Loki at the End of ‘Thor: The Dark World?’ and Other Burning Questions Answered
翻譯:Nana / 修飾:月堯
One of the best things about Thor: The Dark World is it leaves many intriguing unanswered questions. The biggest one involves the ripple effect of the mid-credits scene, which we’ll discuss shortly. But there’s also the fate of Loki. As you know if you’ve seen the film, there’s no real definitive answer as to Loki’s intentions at the end. To get an answer, I went to the source (or sources): Tom Hiddleston, director Alan Taylor and Marvel President Kevin Feige. I asked each what they thought of the film’s ending, and the answers suggest it has major Phase 3 implications.
Thor 2 最讚的地方是裡面留下了很多耐人尋味又未曾解答的問題。最大的疑團莫過於我們即將討論在電影中段劇情當中所引發的漣漪效應。相關情節亦影響了 Loki 的命運。如果你有看電影的話,大家都會知道沒有人清楚明白 Loki 的動機何在。為了尋求真相,我追尋一切的“ 源頭 ”,訪問了 Tom Hiddleston、導演 Alan Taylor,還有 Marvel 總裁 Kevin Feige。我詢問他們對於電影結尾的看法,他們的答案其實可以綜合成三層不同含義。
We also found out why Kurse didn’t let Loki out of his cage, where exactly Thor ends up at the very end of the movie, and why the final credits tag is there at all. Below, read the quotes from the men who made the decisions.
我們亦可以找到為甚麼 Kurse 在監獄中沒有釋放 Loki 的原因,為甚麼 Thor 在電影最終結尾時出現,以及為甚麼在劇終鳴謝最後特別標註( 應該是指工作人員名單跑完後出現的「 索爾終將回歸 」那句話 )。看當中決策人的回答,大家就可以略知一二。
According to Alan Taylor, Loki’s “death” scene (which Tom Hiddleston totally bought into when he first read it) was originally shot a little different.
根據導演 Alan Taylor 談及 Loki 死亡的那段( Tom 當初一看劇本就完全接受了這樣的安排 )跟初稿拍攝時,其實有作出了少許改動。
Taylor: There were definitely more stages where he was a lot more dead than we took him, because a lot of that is visual effects that we were doing on him at the time. The original intention there was very different. There was a lot more dying. I’m really curious to see how it plays for an audience, whether they feel… I’m surprised that it makes sense at the end or whether it’s like “What the fuck?”
Taylor:其實當初是有更多關於 Loki 死去的鏡頭的,因為我們預備了很多不同的視覺效果配上他的死亡場景。最初的原意跟現在的版本差很多,有更多的死亡鏡頭。我其實很好奇觀眾們對此有何感想及他們的反應會是如何?但,讓我覺得最驚奇的是到最後對觀眾來說這一切都來的合理,還是他們會覺得「 這是幹嘛啦?!」。
In the film, Loki takes Odin’s appearance, and accepts Thor’s resignation of his rightful throne. Kevin Feige had an interesting take on that:
在電影中,Loki 以 Odin 的樣貌出現,並接受 Thor 不承繼帝位的決定。Kevin Feige 對這一幕有他獨特的看法。
Feige: Clearly I like the notion that some people think he might die in this movie. That works to our advantage. I wouldn’t spoil that necessarily, but I do like that afterwards people can, and there will be references… There are no specific plans, but if in specific movies somebody references Odin, that means that something else is going on up there, which I think is cool.
Feige:很明顯,我喜歡有些人覺得 Loki 可能在電影中死去這個看法,這對我們來說非常有利。我不會平白無故的劇透,但我非常喜歡將來某些人會回過頭來提及這些情節。現在我們並沒有這樣的計劃,但如果某些人在特定的電影提及 Odin 的話,那就說明裡面一定另有內情。我個人認為這是非常酷的一件事。
Hiddleston agreed that he loved the ambiguity regarding he and Odin:
Tom 贊同亦非常喜歡他和 Odin 所佈下的疑團。
Hiddleston: I love that it leaves you hanging there. I don’t know [what happens next]. It’s one of those things where it’s a constantly evolving map or a jigsaw puzzle where the picture keeps changing and he keeps me on my toes, believe me. You know I’ve had such a good time playing him, I have absolutely no idea if I’ll ever get to play him again.
Tom:我很喜歡那種懸而不決的感覺。我不知道“ 接下來會發生什麼事? ”。就像那些不斷演變的地圖或是變化不定的拼圖一樣,圖像不斷轉變。相信我,這讓我步步為營又小心翼翼。我非常享受飾演 Loki 的時光,但對於是否會再次扮演他,我毫無頭緒。
With Loki now on the throne as Odin, where does that leave Thor in regards to Avengers: Age of Ultron?
現在 Loki 取代了 Odin 登上帝位,那 Thor 在復仇者聯盟2中又會有怎樣的發展?
Feige: Well if you’re just talking about how that sets up into Avengers, yes [Thor on the throne] was not in The Avengers storyline that we are putting together for the next one. It would not have been appropriate for Thor to not be there [with the Avengers] and to be on a throne in Asgard, but from the beginning of the first film, that had always been his destiny. It may one day be his destiny again, but for the time being we want to free him up from that. And Joss [Whedon] was a part of those discussions as we were figuring that out.
Feige:如果你只是說復仇者聯盟的設定,Thor 登基的確不在復仇者聯盟2電影的故事設定之中。如果 Thor 不在復仇者聯盟內而是在 Asgard 登基為王的話,實在不太合適。但肯定的是在雷神第一集開始就已經確定 Thor 注定登上帝位,這是他的命運,但我們暫時還是放他自由。而且在研究劇情發展時,Joss 亦曾參與相關的討論。
The movie doesn’t end with that happy moment though, and Taylor said leaving Thor and Jane’s reunion until the very end of the credits was a huge debate:
電影本身並沒有把大團圓結局作為結尾,Taylor 說把 Thor 跟 Jane 的重逢留到鳴謝名單後其實引起很大的爭論。
Taylor: It’s funny. We agonized for a long time. We thought the movie was about whether they got together or not and I think it came down shockingly late in the process that it felt sort of implicit that they were going to be together. So I think that point, the reveal of who you have on the throne, was such a jarring thing that you couldn’t follow anything else. So just that process, the finishing of Jane and Thor, wound up being a feel good moment, but not a big story moment. I think the feeling was that instead of explaining why they were together, we just left them be together and then the final, final shot was one of my favorites. It was very late in the game.
Taylor:相當有趣。我們苦惱了很久,我們覺得整部電影就是有關他們究竟有沒有再在一起。其實我們查覺到電影發展到後段時,就已經暗示了他們倆會在一起,所以到片尾揭示誰坐上帝位之後,此時你再加上什麼情節都會顯得格格不入。 故此,Jane 和 Thor 團聚的美好時光就已不再是電影橋段的重點了。我認為與其花時間解釋他們如何重聚,倒不如說他們就這樣在一起就此完成整部電影。最後的場景也是我眾多喜愛的片段之一,那是很後期的拍攝片段。
So does that mean Thor, at the end of the movie, stays on Earth with Jane?
那即是說 Thor 在電影最後留在地球和 Jane 在一起?
Feige: Well I think everything can be up for debate and a lot can change in the time between movies. Certainly at the end, he’s on Earth.
A little less important. Kurse does not let Loki out of his cell when he lets everyone else. Why does Hiddleston think that is?
雖然這個不是那麼關鍵,但 Kurse 在釋放其他囚犯後,卻沒有釋放 Loki。Tom 對此有什麼看法。
Hiddleston: Because… Well in my mind we are psyching each other out in that moment and I think Kurse sees precisely how dangerous Loki is. That’s what I like. It’s a real sort of… they are sizing each other up and that felt like a really great day at work and Alan also said the same thing. It was a moment with these two heavyweights in the ring in some way. That is one aspect of Loki that I love playing, the poker game that he has the most unreadable face. He will never show his true hand except in extremes.
Tom: 因為 … 我覺得他們當下正在腦海中打量彼此。我認為 Kurse 很清楚 Loki 是多麼危險的一個人物,這就是我喜歡的地方,他們在衡量對手的實力,讓人覺得那天工作充滿了滿足感,Alan 也有同感。這時刻就像兩個重量級的拳手在擂台上虎視眈眈的膽量著對手,這也是為甚麼我這麼喜歡演 Loki 的原因之一,像玩紙牌一樣,你永遠沒有辦法從 Loki 的臉上看到內情,除非到不得已的情況,他永遠都不會顯露他的底牌。
還有 Loki 死亡的部分,其實我還蠻想看看當初真的要讓 Loki 死時整段畫面是怎麼呈現 …?
最後還是要再次謝謝 Nana 的大力幫忙!!
好愛妳啊!Q 口 Q
另外 Telegraph Magazine 的訪談也出翻譯了!
- Jan 12 Sun 2014 23:08
【 THOR 】電影的最後,Loki 到底怎麼了?讓導演、總裁和湯湯告訴你「 雷神索爾2 」不為人知的裡設定?