Show stoppers: backstage at the Evening Standard Theatre Awards
Do you have any particular method for learning Shakespearean lines?
I’m the man who looks like a lunatic walking around the parks of London talking to himself. I have to be on the move, I can’t learn them sitting at a desk. I march myself around outside,drilling the lines into my brain. There’s no secret: it’s repetition, repetition, repetition, like practising your forehand in tennis.
我會像個自言自語的瘋子一樣在倫敦附近的公園裡繞來繞去。我必須要保持走動,我沒辦法呆坐在桌子前研讀它們。我讓自己在外頭走來走去( 感謝小精靈yc! ),演練這些台詞將它們刻進我的腦海裡。這沒有什麼秘訣,就只是一直重複、重複、再重複,就像你在練習網球裡正手拍一樣。
We saw you dance on Alan Carr’s show; would you consider doing a musical?
我們見過你在 Alan Carr 的節目上大秀舞蹈( 【 Tom Hiddleston 】Chatty Man 恥力大考驗,電臀湯降臨?! ),你可曾考慮去嘗試音樂劇?
I’d love to do something like Guys and Dolls but I have a limited vocal range. I especially like ‘Sit Down You’re Rockin’ the Boat’.
我很樂意嘗試這些,好比像「 Guys and Dolls 」那樣,但我的音域有限。裡頭我尤其喜歡「 Sit Down You’re Rockin’ the Boat 」這首。
湯湯就這兩題,另外下面有個演員 LAURENCE FOX 也很神祕的提到了湯湯,他好像也是 RADA 畢業的,算是湯湯學長囉 ~
不知道我的理解對不對?不對請務必糾正我(艸 )
What would be your dream role?
Tom Hiddleston in a Tom Hiddleston biopic.
You don’t look dissimilar...
你們蠻相像的 …( 感謝小精靈yc! )
I could do it.
【 Tom Hiddleston 】20131117 湯湯以頒獎人的身份出席第59屆 London Evening Standard Theatre Awards 2013